Informing Contexts - Pornographic and Phallic?
Who'd have known? Webinar tutorial today with Paul, A lot of this week has been trying to establish where I am in practice. What I want...

Informing Contexts - False Indexes
Linda Hutcheon (2003: 117) thinks that contemporary photography 'exploits and challenges both the objective and the subjective, the...

Informing contexts - Starting to edit more Ananchronism
I took the images below along to the webinar this week to see what reception they would get. I feel I have actually found a place I want...

Informing contexts - Webinar and Images to start with.
So where am I? Great question. End of week two had had a huge impact on me. I am in one way even more up for the challenge, and in the...

Informing Contents - Week Two Authenticity and Representation
In Camera Lucida (1980: 89) Roland Barthes states that 'In the Photograph, the power of authentication exceeds the power of...