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Week Twelve - Project Proposal and audience

Week twelve began with a guest lecture with Colin Pantall. It was mostly about his book 'All quiet on the home front' He discusses about parenthood and the book is about his daughter and his relationship.

"That sense of morbidity, claustrophobia, and anxiety is at the heart of All Quiet on the Home Front. It is a reflection of the fears that sat deep within me all when I became a parent; the fear of my daughter’s death, my own death, and my built-in obsolescence and redundancy as a parent."

I felt that these were most parents fears in parenthood but it was very interesting to see the book unfold and the timely process that it took. Tips he gave was to keyword everything. I asked him if he saw the end result when he started, as due to the fast pace and subject matter of this course, I do find it hard to see what my final project will consist of, especially as it is constantly being said that it will not consist of any work we have done to date.

The book journey was very interesting even to the looking at what paper he would use and design. Another good piece of advice was to ask for feedback which he said he did ask many people and spent a long time Cut Cut Cut'

The Proposal

The time has come to finish off the proposal. Having read the suggested reading I felt it may have been helpful to have had that suggested reading a few weeks ago when we had began thinking of proposals especially as it is not something I have personally done before. The cover came and went, eventually stayed. The aim of my proposal is to express my interest in historical costume and desire to portray that through my photography, but I have recognised that my work is beginning to feel empty so I have been looking at my inspirational artists like Marta Everest to give me more inspiration to allow me to express myself.

The Cromarty group are very helpful and a couple of people had shown their proposals too which showed me I was pretty much on a similar track with regard to information required but was given some helpful adjustments, then with a 1 to 1 with Gary gave me some refining tips too. I submitted and now it is the most painful time again, waiting. After the submission of the Oral Presentation. I struggled with the wait. Having not done a masters before I had no real idea of expectation level and so I am looking at these first assignments as a confidence giver 'hopefully! To know that my lack of self confidence and fear of inability will begin to leave. I am studying with a bunch of very smart and talented photographers, some have multi letters after their names and have done all this before and so I do feel at a disadvantage. That said, in our Whatsapp group most people seem to have the same feelings about being unsure of certain requirements in the tasks. So we are fumbling through together, hopefully we are all on right track and when our scores come out again we will know if we are all right or all wrong... The wait begins!

In the book by Scott "Power of the personal project" he talks about fear of failure and a linking narrative, something I will be pushing in my next body of work as until this point most of my work has been individually thought of and not as a group with a story to tell.

He also talks about the personal project being what you want it to be, totally your control. I do feel that as much as I would like to be doing a project that is totally mine, I am very conscious of the fact I have to meet criteria for this course and so along the way I am having to have boxes ticked. It does set me up for the process of how to do everything with future projects though.

Scott, G. (2015) ‘The Power of the Personal Project [IN] Professional photography: the new global landscape explained’, in Scott, G. (ed.) Professional photography: the new global landscape explained. New York: Focal Press, pp. 82–109.

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